Topic outline

  • Lesson 01: Course Introduction

    1.01 Welcome to Power BI Course
    1.02 Skills Covered
    1.03 Business Intelligence and Data Analytics High level Overview
    1.04 Introduction to Power BI
    1.05 Different Power BI Offerings
    1.06 Installing Power BI

  • Lesson 02: Get Data From Different Data Sources

    2.01 Identify and Connect to a Data Source
    2.02 Change Data Source Settings
    2.03 Select a Shared Dataset
    2.04 Select a Storage Mode
    2.05 Choose an Appropriate Query Type
    2.06 Use Microsoft Dataverse
    2.07 Use Parameters
    2.08 Use or Create a PBIDS file

    • Lesson 03: Profile The Data

      3.01 Identify Data Anomalies
      3.02 Examine Data Structures
      3.03 Interrogate Column Properties
      3.04 Interrogate Data Statistics

      • Lesson 04: Clean Transform and Load the Data

        4.01 Resolve Inconsistencies Unexpected or Null Values and Data Quality Issues
        4.02 Apply User friendly Value Replacements
        4.03 Evaluate and Transform Column Data Types
        4.04 Apply Data Shape Transformations to Table Structures
        4.05 Combine Queries
        4.06 Apply User friendly Naming Conventions to Columns and Queries
        4.07 Leverage Advanced Editor to Modify Power Query M code

        • Lesson 05: Design a Data Model

          5.01 Define the Tables
          5.02 Configure Table and Column Properties
          5.03 Flatten out a Parent child Hierarchy
          5.04 Define Role playing Dimensions
          5.05 Create a Common Date Table

          • Lesson 06: Develop a Data Model

            6.01 Apply Cross filter Direction and Security Filtering
            6.02 Create Calculated Tables
            6.03 Create Calculated Columns
            6.04 Implement Row level Security Roles
            6.05 Set up the Q and A Feature

            • Lesson 07: Optimize Model Performance

              7.01 Remove Unnecessary Rows and Columns
              7.02 Identify Poorly Performing Measures Relationships and Visuals
              7.03 Improve Cardinality Levels
              7.04 Optimize DirectQuery Models
              7.05 Create and Manage Aggregations
              7.06 Use Query Diagnostics

              • Lesson 08: Create Reports

                8.01 Add Visualization Items to Reports
                8.02 Choose an Appropriate Visualization Type
                8.03 Format and Configure Visualizations
                8.04 Apply Slicing and Filtering
                8.05 Add an R or Python Visual

                • Lesson 09: Create Dashboards

                  9.01 Set Mobile View
                  9.02 Manage Tiles on a Dashboard
                  9.03 Configure Data Alerts
                  9.04 Use the Q and A Feature
                  9.05 Add a Dashboard Theme
                  9.06 Pin a Live Report Page to a Dashboard

                  • Lesson 10: Enhance Reports to Expose Insights

                    10.01 Perform Top N Analysis
                    10.02 Explore Statistical Summary
                    10.03 Use the Q and A Visual
                    10.04 Add a Quick Insights Result to a Report
                    10.05 Use the Play Axis Feature of a Visualization
                    10.06 Personalize Visuals

                    • Lesson 11: Perform Advanced Analysis

                      11.01 Identify Outliers
                      11.02 Conduct Time Series Analysis
                      11.03 Use Groupings and Binnings
                      11.04 Use the Key Influencers to Explore Dimensional Variances
                      11.05 Use the Decomposition Tree Visual to Break Down a Measure
                      11.06 Apply AI Insights

                      • Lesson 12: Manage Datasets

                        12.01 Configure a Dataset Scheduled Refresh
                        12.02 Configure Row level Security Group Membership
                        12.03 Configure Incremental Refresh Settings
                        12.04 Promote or Certify Power BI Dat