Topic outline

  • Lesson 01 - Introduction to Android Development

    1.1 Introduction

    1.2 Installing Android SDK and Android studio

    1.3 Android Architecture

    1.4 Key Features of Android 6. Marshmallow

    1.5 Creating Android Project

    1.6 Hello World App

    1.7 Quiz

    1.8 Summary

    • Lesson 02 - Android Activity and Intents

      2.1 Introduction

      2.2 Activity Lifecycles

      2.3 Gradle Overview

      2.4 Intents

      2.5 Supporting Different Devices

      2.6 Action Bar

      2.7 Debugging

      2.8 Saving Data

      2.9 Quiz

      2.10 Summary

      • Lesson 03 - Layouts and Controls

        3.1 Layouts and Controls

        3.2 Android Layouts

        3.3 Menus

        3.4 Input Controls

        3.5 Settings

        3.6 Dialogs

        3.7 Toasts

        3.8 Styles

        3.9 Material Design

        3.10 Widgets and Notifications

        3.11 Drag and Drop

        3.12 Quiz

        3.13 Summary

        • Lesson 04 - List Views and SQLite

          4.1 Introduction

          4.2 List Views

          4.3 Loaders

          4.4 Methods to manage SQLite Database

          4.5 Quiz

          4.6 Summary

          • Lesson 05 - Services

            5.1 Introduction

            5.2 Android Application Threading Model

            5.3 Broadcast Intents Converted

            5.4 Bound Services

            5.5 Creating a Bound Service

            5.6 Android IntentService

            5.7 Managing a Lifecycle of Bound Service

            5.8 Communicating with Remote Service

            5.9 AlarmManager in Android

            5.10 Quiz

            5.11 Summary

            • Lesson 06 - Content Providers

              6.1 Introduction

              6.2 Content Provider Basics

              6.3 Creating Content Providers

              6.4 Calendar Provider

              6.5 Contacts Provider

              6.6 Quiz

              6.7 Summary

              • Lesson 07 - UI and Fragments

                7.1 Introduction

                7.2 Fragments

                7.3 Dynamic UI with Fragments

                7.4 Loaders

                7.5 Task and Back stack

                7.6 Quiz

                7.7 Summary

                • Lesson 08 - Location and Sensors

                  8.1 Introduction00:

                  8.2 Getting a Current Location

                  8.3 Using Maps with Location

                  .4 Location Strategies

                  8.5 Sensors Overview

                  8.6 Motion Sensors

                  8.7 Position Sensors

                  8.8 Environment Sensors

                  8.9 Quiz

                  8.10 Summary

                  • Lesson 09 - Multimedia Audio and video & camera

                    9.1 Introduction

                    9.2 Media Playback

                    9.3 Media Router

                    9.4 Media Route Provider

                    9.5 Camera

                    9.6 Quiz

                    9.7 Summary

                    • Lesson 10 - Introduction to Google Play

                      10.1 Introductio

                      10.2 Goolge Play Services

                      10.3 Norms to Upload Application

                      10.4 Checklist0

                      10.5 Quiz

                      10.6 Summary