Topic outline

  • Chapter1: Introduction of Java Technology

    1. Java Editions
    2. How much popular is Java Programming Language
    3. What makes Java so special
    4. Platform Independent Feature
    5. What is Java, What is Java actually
    6. S/W required
    7. Java IDEs
    8. Popular s/w developed using Java
    9. Key Features of Java
    10. First Java Program & Setting Path (temporary, permanent)
    11. Phases from Coding to Execution in a Java Program
    12. Sections in a Java Program
    13. Comments, javadoc
    14. Topics removed from C, C++
    15. Java Tokens, separators, statements, operators, keywords
    16. Java History/Evolution of Java
    17. Java Versions

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  • Chapter2: Introduction to Java Programming

    1. Concatenation operator
    2. Robust feature – demo
    3. Creating an object
    4. Reading an integer, Scanner object
    5. Sum of two integers
    6. Dealing with multiple classes
    7. Dealing with fields/instance variables, setter method, String class
    8. private fields, getter methods
    9. Constructors
    10. What if a field is not initialized
    11. Visibility modifiers
    12. Function call mechanisms in Java
    13. this reference
    14. Another use of this reference
    15. Comparing objects
    16. Garbage collection
    17. Printing the IDs of objects
    18. static fields
    19. Predefined static methods
    20. static import
    21. User defined static methods
    22. extends keyword
    23. Method overriding, some points
    24. super keyword
    25. Invoking base class constructors
    26. Demo on both usages of super keywords
    27. final class, final methods & final fields
    28. Upcasting, downcasting
    29. Multiple inheritance in Java

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  • Chapter3: Datatypes & Operators

    1. Classification of datatypes
    2. Loss of precision error
    3. Typecasting
    4. Modulus operator unlike in C
    5. Relational operator unlike in C
    6. Boolean logical operator unlike in C
    7. Inconvertible types
    8. Default values for fields
    9. Concatenation operator revisited

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  • Chapter4: Control Structures, Arrays, Strings & Wrapper Classes

    1. Control structures classification
    2. Using \t
    3. Reverse a number unlike in C
    4. Infinite loop unlike in C
    5. break, continue
    6. Labeled break, labeled break – nameless block, improper use of labeled break
    7. Labeled continue
    8. Arrays – declaration & definition – diff. methods
    9. Accessing array elements
    10. Robust feature – Array index out of bounds
    11. length property
    12. 2-D array declaration
    13. Matrix program
    14. Assigning arrays
    15. Creating array of objects
    16. Enhanced for loop
    17. Strings intro., String class methods
    18. Comparing using == operator
    19. Comparing using equals()
    20. String Vs StringBuffer
    21. StringBuffer methods
    22. compareTo()
    23. StringTokenizer
    24. Command line arguments
    25. Wrapper classes – intro
    26. Boxing, unboxing
    27. Autoboxing, autounboxing
    28. Converting String to integer
    29. Converting integer to String

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  • Chapter5: Interfaces

    1. Every method is a virtual method-proof
    2. What is an interface
    3. Creating an interface – two examples
    4. Multiple inheritance – through interfaces
    5. Few points on Runtime polymorphism
    6. Few points on Interfaces
    7. A class can impl. any no. of interf. & at the same time extend a class
    8. abstract class, abstract methods
    9. Why multiple inheritance is OK with interfaces
    10. Using interfaces as container of constants

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  • Chapter6: Packages

    1. What is a package
    2. Why packages
    3. Types of packages
    4. Creating & using a package, classpath
    5. Creating & using a JAR file
    6. Extracting a JAR file
    7. To generate the entiere package structure automatically
    8. Using javap to know the members of a library class
    9. Using javap to see the bytecodes in a .class file

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  • Chapter7: Exception Handling

    1. What is an exception
    2. What is exception handling
    3. What should be done when an error occurs
    4. Examples of exceptions
    5. keywords used
    6. Example without using exception handling
    7. using exception handling ( ArithmeticException)
    8. NumberFormatException( with/withour)
    9. Multiple catch blocks
    10. finally clause
    11. nested try/catch
    12. throw – introduction
    13. Throwing a predefined exception class object
    14. Throwing a userdefined exception class object
    15. throws clause introduction
    16. Stack example
    17. Random number generation
    18. Demo on printStackTrace()
    19. Exceptions & Error
    20. Checked exceptions and unchecked exceptions

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  • Chapter8: Input / Output in Java

    1. Introduction
    2. File class – knowing properties of a File, Deleting a file
    3. Getting the list of filenames and subdirectory names in a directory
    4. Listing only those files which end with a particular extension
    5. Different ways of taking the input
    6. InputMismatchException
    7. FileInputStream, FileOutputStream
    8. FileReader, FileWriter
    9. BufferedReader, PrintWriter
    10. DataOutputStream, DataInputStream
    11. LineNumberReader Demo
    12. Printing objects directly
    13. Serialization/Deserialization

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  • Chapter9: Multithreading

    1. Introduction
    2. Display current thread’s name
    3. Another method
    4. Changing name of current thread
    5. sleep() demo
    6. Creating our own-threads-two ways
    7. Implementing Runnable interface – three varieties
    8. Extending Thread class
    9. isAlive(), join()
    10. Synchronization- introduction
    11. Synchronization –two varieties
    12. Producer-Consumer problem
    13. Inter-thread communication (Producer-Consumer problem solution)
    14. Thread Life Cycle
    15. Daemon Thread Vs User Thread

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  • Chapter10: Collections Framework

    1. Introduction
    2. Hashset
    3. Treeset
    4. Arraylist
    5. Iterator
    6. Vector – four examples
    7. Reverse()
    8. Sort()
    9. Linkedlist
    10. Stack
    11. Arrays class
    12. Hashtable
    13. Treemap
    14. Hashmap Vs treemap Vs linkedhashmap
    15. Date – three varieties
    16. Generics
    17. Getting system properties
    18. Importance of Iterator over enhanced for loop
    19. Importance of Property class – read properties
    20. Importance of Property class – read properties
    21. Collections Framework Hierarchy

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