Topic outline

  • Chapter1: Applets, AWT & Event Handling

    1. Introduction to Applets
    2. First applet program discussion
    3. Another method of writing an applet
    4. Life cycle
    5. Parameter passing from HTML document
    6. Introduction to AWT & Event Handling
    7. Click on a button control and handle that event
    8. Mouse event handling
    9. Checkbox control
    10. Radiobutton control
    11. Choice control
    12. List control
    13. Label control , textfield control
    14. Textarea control
    15. Keyboard event handling
    16. Creating a Frame
    17. Window event handling
    18. Adapter classes

    19. Introduction to Layout Managers
    20. FlowLayout demo
    21. BorderLayout demo
    22. GridLayout demo
    23. GridBagLayout demo/ Creating a calculator
    24. CardLayout demo
    25. AWT Component Hierarchy

    26. Creating a menu
    27. Popup Menu
    28. Creating our own Dialog box

    Quiz: 1
  • Chapter2: GUI Development using Swings

    1. Introduction
    2. JButton on JApplet
    3. JButton on JFrame
    4. UIManager
    5. ImageIcon
    6. JTextField, JPasswordField
    7. JRadioButton
    8. JTabbedPane/ JCheckBox / JComboBox
    9. JTable
    10. JTree
    11. Setting mnemonics
    12. JToolBar
    13. JOptionPane
    14. JColorChooser
    15. JFileChooser

    Quiz: 1
  • Chapter3: Networking/Socket Programming

    1. Introduction To Networking
    2. Client/server program
    3. Chatting program

    Quiz: 1
  • Chapter4: JDBC (Java Database Connectivity)

    1. Introduction to JDBC
    2. Program: Establishing connection with the Oracle Database
    3. Program: Updating a Record – Ex1
    4. Program: Updating a Record – Ex2 (Taking the input via Scanner)
    5. Program: Updating a Record – Ex3 (Taking the input via Command Line arguments)
    6. Program: Retrieving Records
    7. Program: PreparedStatement Ex1
    8. Program:  PreparedStatment Ex2
    9. Program: To store images in the database
    10. Program: To retrieve images from the database
    11. Program: Creating a Procedure in Oracle Database and using it from a JDBC Program
    12. Program: Creating a Function in Oracle Database and using it from a JDBC Program
    13. Program: Creating a Function in Oracle Database which returns records and using it from a JDBC Program
    14. Program: Demo on Transaction management
    15. Program: Demo on Batch update
    16. Program: Establishing connection with the MySQL Database Server and retrieving records from a table.

    Quiz: 1
  • Chapter5: Servlets


    1. Introduction to Web Applications
    2. What is a Servlet
    3. To display “Welcome” msg on a web page through a Servlet
    4. Form Processing
    5. doGet Vs doPost
    6. Servlet init parameters and context init parameters
    7. life cycle of a servlet
    8. sendRedirect()
    9. requestDispatching
    10. request Headers
    11. auto refresh


    1. Cookies
    2. Sessions
    3. Filters
    4. Listeners
    5. Web Survey (accesing Database from a Servlet)


    1. Servlet with Annotation
    2. File Upload through a Servlet
    3. How to use Eclipse IDE to develop and run a Web Application (Servlet)

    Quiz: 1
  • Chapter6: JSP (Java Server Pages)


    1. Introduction to JSP
    2. Advantages of JSP over Servlets
    3. JSP Architecture Model1
    4. To display current date & time
    5. Form processing in JSP
    6. Displaying the form, processing it, and displaying the output  – all in one file

    (JSP containing Form + Code + Result)

    1. JSP to Servlet conversion
    2. JSP Life Cycle
    3. Demo on accessing Database from a JSP
    4. Demo on Request Dispatching in JSP ( jsp action elements)
    5. JSP Declaration element
    6. Error handling in JSP
    7. Demo on Java Beans and JSP action tags
    8. Demo on different scopes
    9. Header & Footer Demo
    10. Expression Language (EL) – Introduction
    11. EL Ex1 – param implicit object
    12. EL Ex2 – sessionScope implicit object
    13. JSP Elements



    1. Custom Tags introduction
    2. Custom Tags Ex1 - Demo on creating and using a Tag file
    3. Custom Tags Ex2 - Demo on Tag Handler  - to display Current Date & Time
    4. Custom Tags Ex3 - Tag Handler with attribute support
    5. Custom Tags Ex4 – With Body content

    Quiz: 1
  • Chapter7: JSTL (JSP Standard Tag Library)

    1. What is JSTL
    2. JSTL Core Tags
    3. JSTL SQL Tags
    4. JSTL functions

    Quiz: 1
  • Chapter8: AJAX

    1. Introduction to AJAX
    2. Demo1 on AJAX
    3. Demo2 on AJAX - accessing database

    Quiz: 1
  • Chapter9: Java Mail

    1. What is Java Mail
    2. Program: Sending email from one account to another account
    3. Program: Sending email to Multiple recipients at one go
    4. Program: Sending email with file attachment

    Quiz: 1
  • Chapter10: Web Application Security

    1. Introduction to Web Application Security
    2. Program1. “BASIC” Authentication - Demo
    3. Program2. Form-based Authentication Demo

    Quiz: 1
  • Chapter11: XML & JAXP

    1. DTD
    2. XML Schema
    3. Program: Demo on DOM Parser
    4. Program: Demo2 on DOM Parser
    5. Program: Demo on SAX Parser

    Quiz: 1
  • Chapter12: Java API for JSON Processing

    1. What is JSON?
    2. Program1. Generating JSON data from a Java Program (Using the Object Model API)
    3. Program2. Parsing a JSON file (generated by the above Program) (Using the Object Model API)
    4. Program3. Parsing a JSON file (creating in the 1st Program) (Using the Streaming API)
    5. Program4. Generating a JSON File (Using the Streaming API)

    Quiz: 1
  • Chapter13: Web Services - SOAP and RESTFul (JAX-WS, JAX-RS)

    1. Introduction to Web Services
    2. Introduction to SOAP Web Services
    3. Program: Creating a Web Service in Java & using it from a Java (JSE) application
    4. Introduction to RESTFul Web Services
    5. Program:  RESTFul Web Services Ex1
    6. Program: RESTFul WebService to Download a file
    7. Program:  Uploading a File to a RESTFul Web Service using Jersey
    8. Program: RESTFul Server for JSON and RESTFul Java Client with Jersey Framework
    9. Program: RESTFul CRUD Web Services Demo (POST, GET, PUT, DELETE)

    Quiz: 1
  • Chapter14: Web Application Project

    A Simple Web Application Project using JDBC , JSP and Java Mail Technologies