Topic outline

  • Lesson 02 - AWS Overview

    • Introduction to AWS
    • Core AWS Services
    • Accessing AWS Services
    • Assisted Practice: Set up the AWS Command Line Interface

  • Lesson 03 - Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud

    • Introduction to Amazon EC2
    • Amazon Machine Image
    • Assisted Practice: Create a Linux-based EC2 Instance
    • Assisted Practice: Create a Windows-based EC2 Instance
    • Assisted Practice: Create a Custom AMI
    • Assisted Practice: Create an Instance Using a Custom AMI
    • Introduction to Amazon EBS
    • EBS Snapshot
    • Assisted Practice: Create and Attach an EBS Volume to a Linux Instance
    • Assisted Practice: Create a Snapshot of an Existing EBS Instance
    • Elastic IP Address
    • EC2 Instance Metadata
    • Elastic File System
    • Difference between EFS and EBS
    • EC2 Instance Pricing
    • AWS EC2 Best Practices
    • Amazon FSx
    • High Performance Computing (HPC)
    • Key Takeaways
    • Setting up an Instance with EBS Volume and Snapshot

    • Lesson 04 - Amazon Storage Services

      • Introduction to Amazon S3
      • Components of Amazon S3
      • Assisted Practice: Creating an S3 bucket
      • Version Control in Amazon S3
      • Assisted Practice: Configuring Bucket Versioning
      • Static Web Hosting
      • Amazon S3 Policies
      • Assisted Practice: Configure an S3 Bucket for Static Website Hosting
      • Amazon S3 Storage Classes
      • Amazon S3 Pricing
      • Amazon S3 Select and S3 Glacier Select
      • Sharing an S3 bucket between multiple accounts
      • Backup and DataSync
      • Amazon CloudFront
      • Assisted Practice: Configure a new CloudFront distribution with an S3 bucket
      • AWS Snowball
      • Amazon Athena and Macie
      • Key Takeaways
      • Setting Up a CloudFront Distribution with an S3 Bucket

      • Lesson 05 - Amazon Virtual Private Cloud

        • Introduction to Amazon VPC
        • Assisted Practice: Create a Custom VPC
        • Amazon VPC Components
        • IP Addresses
        • Elastic Network Interface
        • VPCs and Subnets
        • Internet Gateways
        • Network Address Translation (NAT) Gateway
        • Assisted Practice: Create a Public and Private Subnet
        • Controlling Traffic in Amazon VPC
        • Assisted Practice: Create and Configure a Custom Route Table
        • VPC Peering
        • Assisted Practice: Create and Accept a VPC Peering Connection
        • Bastion Host
        • Direct Connect
        • Virtual Private Network (VPN) Connections
        • Auto Scaling
        • Amazon Elastic Load Balancer
        • Types of Amazon Load Balancers
        • Assisted Practice: Set Up an Autoscaled Environment
        • Key Takeaways
        • Set Up Multiple Virtual Networks on the AWS Cloud

        • Lesson 06 - Databases on AWS

          • Introduction to Databases
          • Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS)
          • Assisted Practice: Create an RDS Database Instance
          • Amazon Aurora
          • Amazon Redshift
          • Assisted Practice: Create an Amazon Redshift Cluster
          • Amazon DynamoDB
          • Assisted Practice: Create a Table Using the DynamoDB Console
          • Amazon ElastiCache
          • Key Takeaways
          • Create and Query a Database Table with Amazon DynamoDB

          • Lesson 07 - Amazon Route 53

            • Domain Name System (DNS)
            • Introduction to Amazon Route 53
            • Amazon Route 53 Concepts and Terminologies
            • Amazon Route 53 Policies
            • Assisted Practice: Register a New Domain Name
            • Assisted Practice: Create a Public Hosted Zone
            • Amazon Route 53 Best Practices
            • Amazon Route 53 Costs
            • Limitations of Amazon Route 53
            • Key Takeaways
            • Register a New Domain and Create a Hosted Zone and a Record Set

            • Lesson 08 - IAM and Security on AWS

              • Introduction to Identity and Access Management
              • Terminologies in AWS IAM
              • IAM Users
              • Assisted Practice: Creating an IAM user
              • IAM Groups
              • Assisted Practice: Creating and Adding IAM user to an IAM group
              • IAM Roles
              • Assisted Practice: Creating an IAM role for an IAM user
              • IAM Policies
              • Types of IAM Policies
              • Assigning IAM roles to Amazon Services
              • Assisted Practice: Creating an IAM role for Amazon EC2 Service
              • Features of AWS IAM
              • AWS Directory Service
              • Recource Access Manager
              • AWS Organisations
              • AWS Single Sing-On
              • Assisted Practice: Enabling AWS Single Sign-On for a user
              • AWS Multi Factor Authentication
              • Assisted Practice: Enable MFA for the root user
              • Key Takeaways
              • Secure the Access to AWS Services

              • Lesson 09 - Application and Serverless Services in AWS

                • Introduction to AWS Application Services
                • Amazon Simple Queue Service
                • Assisted Practice: Configuring Amazon SQS Using the AWS Console
                • Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS)
                • Assisted Practice: Setting Up Amazon SNS Notifications
                • Amazon SNS vs. Amazon SQS
                • Amazon Simple Workflow Service (SWF)
                • Amazon API Gateway
                • Assisted Practice: Setting Up API Methods to Access an Amazon S3 Bucket
                • Amazon Elastic Transcoder
                • Amazon Kinesis
                • Application Services Best Practices
                • Amazon WorkSpaces
                • Introduction to AWS Serverless Services
                • AWS Lambda
                • Assisted practice: API with Lambda proxy integration
                • AWS Serverless Application Model
                • Amazon Elastic Container Service
                • Key Takeaways
                • Build a Serverless Website in the AWS Cloud

                • Lesson 10 - Secure and Highly Available Architecture

                  • AWS Well Architectured Framework
                  • Five Pillars of AWS Well Architectured Framework
                  • AWS CloudFormation
                  • Create an Amazon EC2 Instance Using AWS CloudFormation
                  • AWS Elastic Beanstalk
                  • AWS WAF and AWS Shield
                  • AWS Key Management Service
                  • AWS Best Practices
                  • Accessing AWS References
                  • Key Takeaways